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What You Need to Know While Preparing for the Henna Night

What You Need to Know While Preparing for the Henna Night

The henna ceremony is an ancient art form that originated in India and throughout South Asia and the Middle East. In this ceremony, red-henna is applied to the palms of the bride, the back of her hands, and in some cultures, the feet. This pre-wedding celebration is usually held in a colorful atmosphere. Although these parties are traditionally held at the bride's home, today's bride prefers to hold her henna ceremonies outside.

Tradition says that the darker the color of the bride's henna, the happier the marriage of the bride and groom will be. It is said that the designs symbolize various blessings, luck, joy and love.

Although the bride and groom are the leading roles in the wedding, the leading role in the henna ceremonies is only the bride. Special attention is paid to the bride's girlfriends and guests. Traditionally, women on the bride and groom's side attend the henna ceremony.

Those who attend the ceremony should not ignore that they will apply henna. Although it is not as attentive as the bride, the guests who come to find their place also apply henna.

Entertainment is a must for henna nights. If you are invited to a henna night, keep in mind that you will be dancing. For this reason, it is also beneficial to wear comfortable shoes.

In all henna ceremonies, the wedding owner also distributes gifts to the guests. This gift can sometimes be a scarf or souvenirs that remind the bride and groom.





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