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About the Engagement Ceremony


In recent years, traditional engagement ceremonies have been replaced by minimalist celebrations between families. It can also be like the preparation stage for the wedding ceremony. You can also think of the engagement ceremony as the official start of your wedding festivities. A toast to the bride and groom is an opportunity for families to mingle.

When you announce the engagement, everyone you love will want to congratulate you. A formal engagement party is a great time for families to get to know each other and get together. You can celebrate your engagement party with an unconventional, traditional or very casual theme.

The rules, customs and traditions were a little stricter in the old betrothal ceremonies. Now it is not as difficult as before. Whether you want a classic ceremony with white tablecloths and candlelight, or you can have fun with your friends, you can celebrate your engagement in a relaxed atmosphere.

The engagement party is usually held a few months after the marriage proposal. In ancient traditions, the bride was expected to host the pre-wedding celebration. However, this is no longer the rule, and either party can host an engagement ceremony. Sometimes, the bride and groom's close friends may even gesture to them with their engagement celebration.

Engagement parties do not have rituals such as jewelry ceremonies or gift ceremonies. Of course, whoever wants it can take it separately. But it is a ceremony for entertainment, conversation, meeting and socialization. Do not think of engagement ceremonies as weddings. When you look at it like this, you will not get lost in the details.





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