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Choosing the Wedding Dress Color

Choosing the Wedding Dress Color


Brides should consider many factors in the targeted wedding dress color. Some of them are the color theme of the wedding. If the wedding has a theme, a wedding dress color should be chosen that is very suitable for this wedding theme. A wedding dress color should be chosen that is suitable for the wedding ceremony held in an indoor venue and the wedding ceremony held in an open office. For this reason, the color of the wedding dress is also related to the season of the duration of the wedding. For spring and summer seasons, open seasons, dark colors for winter and autumn can be preferred.

Factors such as the ten colors of the bride-to-be and hair color also play a role in determining the color of the wedding dress. Although the bride's personal tastes are also preferred, the physical appearance should not be ignored.

Bridal jewellery, bridal products, bridal products such as bridal flowers, veils, crowns and bridal items should also be in harmony with the color of the wedding dress.

For example, white-skinned brides-to-be can wear any color wedding dress, but a white wedding dress will be much more harmonious.

Wheat-skinned brides, on the other hand, will have a very rich appearance if they prefer wedding dresses in ivory and beige tones.

If the brunette brides prefer a very white wedding dress, this color will give the face a pale appearance. For this reason, they will prefer different tones than white.




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