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When determining the wedding date

When determining the wedding date

The process of determining the wedding date is much more than marking a day on the calendar. First, make sure you have enough time to plan your dream wedding. 1 year is an ideal time for decision-making on the guest list, number of wedding guests, and other issues. Weddings were also held in a shorter time. But 1 year is a very suitable time to complete the wedding planning with peace of mind.


It is necessary to get confirmation about the availability of the wedding venue for the specified date. You can be flexible about the date, depending on availability. If you do not have a place that you have determined in mind, you can first determine the date and search for a place suitable for that date.

Make sure that these dates do not coincide with religious and national holidays. Because many people have different travel plans during the holidays.

Before you set your wedding date, set some possible dates with your nearest and dearest so that there is no conflict. We recommend avoiding dates that will force your best friend or close family member to miss your wedding. Maybe your brother has a conference he can't cancel. Or the birth of a close friend who is expecting a baby may coincide with those dates.

If another family member is preparing for the wedding, make sure that these dates do not overlap.


If the summer season is very hot in your province, it would be more appropriate to specify a date for the autumn or spring season.

July, August and September are the most popular months to get married. Therefore, getting married during these busy times may cost you more. Choosing a less popular month like January or February may be a more budget-conscious choice.




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