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What Does Henna Mean in Turkish Weddings

What Does Henna Mean in Turkish Weddings

Henna is a tradition that is made at the bride's house in Turkish weddings, usually 1-2 days before the wedding. Henna is a form of celebration held at the bride's home, where the bride-to-be comes together with her friends, relatives and neighbors.

Henna is usually applied to the hands and feet of the bride-to-be. This process is intended to bring happiness and abundance in the marriage of the bride-to-be. Traditionally, songs are sung and games are played during the henna burning process. Since this tradition is the last celebration held at the bride-to-be's home, it is also a farewell.

Henna night is an important part of Turkish weddings and is the last celebration held at the bride's home. Therefore, it is important for the bride-to-be's family and close circle.

According to tradition, henna is applied at weddings for the happiness and fertility of the bride-to-be. Henna is applied to the hands and feet of the bride-to-be, and a specially prepared henna paste is used during this process.

According to traditional belief, burning henna protects the bride-to-be from bad energies and brings happiness and fertility in her marriage. In addition, henna is a celebration and farewell for the bride-to-be's family and close circle.

Henna night is an important part of Turkish weddings and is usually held at the bride's home. Tonight, the bride-to-be's friends, relatives, and neighbors gather to celebrate the bride's final night of freedom. During the henna night, songs are sung, games are played and traditional Turkish dishes are served.





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