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Wedding Stream Ranking

Wedding Stream Ranking


The order of things to do at a wedding is usually as follows:

Welcoming guests: Welcoming and welcoming guests when they arrive is important for the wedding to begin. Having someone on board to greet your guests helps guests feel comfortable and welcome.

Ceremony: The ceremony, which is the most important part of the wedding, takes place when the couple signs the marriage contract and gets married. The content and activities of the ceremony may vary according to the culture, beliefs and wishes of the couple.

Reception: A reception is usually held after the ceremony. Guests can eat, drink and dance to the music. The bride and groom usually walk around to greet the guests during this process.

Meal: A special table is usually arranged for the guests to dine. During the meal service, the wedding cake is cut and served to the guests.

Dance: The bride and groom usually have their first dance. Other guests can then dance.

Entertainment: The wedding is usually accompanied by live music or DJ entertainment. Guests have fun with dancing, games and other activities.

Gifts: Guests often bring gifts for the couple. Opening and thanking these gifts is also a part of the wedding.

Farewell: A farewell is usually made at the end of the wedding. The bride and groom thank their guests and touch on all the details that make the wedding unforgettable. Guests also congratulate the couple and wish them a happy marriage.

Of course, every wedding can be different and the order of things may vary according to the wishes of the couple and the wedding organization. But in general, these steps are followed during the wedding.




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