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How Should Henna Night Planning Be?

How Should Henna Night Planning Be?

Henna nights consist of fewer people than the number of wedding guests. Because close friends of the bride and groom are invited in the henna ceremonies. In some regions, it can be done separately as a girl's henna and a boy's henna. It would be a more intimate setting than a wedding. In ancient times, henna nights were held in homes. However, in recent years, it has also been held outside in a separate venue. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a venue according to the number of guests.

Every henna night is a different scenario. Henna night means bright colors and colorful accessories. Remember that you have never seen so many colors together. In short, be prepared for a chirpy environment.


Henna brides prefer accessories suitable for the henna outfit. Hair accessories and jewelry should also be in harmony with the henna outfit.

Since it will be a fun environment, an area to dance must be created. The ethnic and traditional music of the henna night should not be forgotten. So much so that the sound system must be well organized.

You should have a playlist of exciting songs that guests can dance to. A DJ is also hired at some henna nights. This is also a good idea. On the other hand, you will have your own sound system. You must assign someone to direct the music.




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