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Ancient Wedding Traditions

Ancient Wedding Traditions

Ancient wedding traditions in Turkey have a rich cultural heritage. Here are some popular old wedding traditions:

Henna Night: Henna night is an important ritual in Turkish weddings. The bride's hands and feet are hennaed and adorned by the bride, her family and friends. Tonight is a celebration where the bride leaves her celibacy behind and steps into marriage. Songs and dances are performed to the accompaniment of traditional Turkish music.

Bride Receiving: Bride receiving means leaving the bride's family home by wearing a wedding dress and going to the groom's family's house. This is an important ritual in Turkish weddings. When the bride is sent off by her family, dowry items and gifts, sometimes called bundles, are also taken with her.

Drum Zurna: In old Turkish weddings, the drum and zurna team ensures that the wedding is celebrated energetically and enthusiastically. By playing the drums and zurna, he accompanies the wedding convoy, the bridal reception ceremony or the wedding hall. This tradition is an element that reflects the cheerful atmosphere in Turkish weddings.

Traditional Dress: Brides usually wear traditional clothes in old Turkish weddings. Each region has its own unique clothes. For example, traditional wedding dresses called bindallı are preferred in Thrace, while wedding dresses of different styles are preferred in other regions of Anatolia.

Jewelry Ceremony: Jewelry ceremony is held at weddings. Guests wear the bride's and groom's jewelery and often present a variety of jewellery. These jewelry are given to the bride and groom to provide financial support and help them start their new lives.

Games and Entertainment: Various games and entertainments are organized at Turkish weddings. Various dance competitions are held among the guests, traditional games are played and fun activities are organized with music.




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