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Bridal table flower selection,

Bridal table flower selection,

The choice of bridal table flower is one of the most important decoration elements on the wedding day. Here are the things to consider when choosing a bridal table flower:

Color match: Bridal table flowers should be in harmony with the wedding theme and colors. This should often be thought of in coordination with the wedding dress, bridal bouquet and other wedding decoration items.

Size: The size of the bridal table flower should be chosen according to the size of the table. A flower arrangement that is too large can overshadow the table, while a flower arrangement that is too small can make it look incomplete.

Seasonal flowers: Flowers available during the wedding season are more readily available and more affordable. Therefore, the use of seasonal flowers may be preferred.

The shape of the table: The shape of the bridal table can determine the design of the flower arrangement. For example, a round flower arrangement may be preferable for a round table, while a vertical flower arrangement may be more appropriate on a long table.

Theme and style: Floral arrangements can be chosen that reflect the theme and style of the wedding. For example, natural flowers in a wooden vase may be preferred in a rustic wedding, while a more minimal and simple flower arrangement may be more appropriate in a modern wedding.

Budget: When choosing a bridal table flower, consider your budget. Instead of expensive flowers or designs, you can look for more affordable and similar-style alternatives.

The choice of bridal table flower is very important to the overall aesthetic of the wedding. Considering the above factors, you can choose and have an unforgettable wedding experience.





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