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When to Buy a Wedding Dress

When to Buy a Wedding Dress

Perhaps the hardest part of the job will be deciding on the wedding dress. Because after the wedding dress decision, it is easier to make a choice about wedding dress accessories and other bridal products. For this reason, a large amount of time is needed to comfortably look at wedding dresses, rehearse and think about them. It is almost impossible to choose a wedding dress in 3-5 days.

The wedding dress should be bought about 6-8 months before the wedding. This time may take longer if the wedding dress needs to be custom sewn. Allocating enough time for wedding dress selection and purchase is necessary for the bride-to-be to choose a wedding dress according to her needs, make the necessary changes and find an alternative option if necessary. Also, delivery times, change times, payment schedules, and other details should be planned during the wedding dress purchasing process.


Taking enough time to choose and buy a wedding dress before the wedding also reduces stress. If the bride-to-be chooses her wedding dress at an early date, she can be sure that her wedding dress will be ready during the wedding planning and will not experience last-minute stress. Also, choosing the wedding dress at an early date also provides a basis for planning other wedding details.




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