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What Should Be Considered During the Girl Request Ceremony?

What Should Be Considered During the Girl Request Ceremony?
The marriage ceremony is an important step in the marriage process in Turkish culture. It is important to deal with some customs and manners in this ceremony. Here are some points to consider in the marriage ceremony:
Preparation: A preparation should be made in advance for the girl request ceremony. Communication between families should be established, the date and time should be determined, and invitations should be prepared.
Role of the host: The betrothal usually takes place in the girl's family home. As the host family, you should welcome your guests with a smile and treat them with respect and courtesy.
Request: The ceremony of asking for a girl is a situation where the groom-to-be seeks the approval of the girl's family. Therefore, the groom-to-be should politely and respectfully express his wishes and clearly reveal his intentions.
Refreshments: During the betrothal ceremony, the host family should offer treats to the guests. Traditional Turkish desserts, tea and coffee can be offered. Attention should be paid to the needs of guests and hospitality should be shown to them.
Conversations: Conversations are important at the girl request ceremony. The groom-to-be should have a frank and heartfelt speech to the girl's family. Discuss the details, expectations, and responsibilities of marriage between families.
Gift: The groom-to-be usually presents a gift to the girl and her family at the ceremony. This gift can be symbolic and is important for family acceptance. Gift selection should be thoughtful and thoughtful.
Agreement between families: During the marriage ceremony, agreements are made between families regarding the marriage process. These agreements may include marital conditions, wedding dates, costs and other matters. Agreements should be respected and discussions should be resolved in a positive way.



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