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Mistakes Made Regarding the Skirt Length of the Wedding Dress

Mistakes Made Regarding the Skirt Length of the Wedding Dress

Choosing a wedding dress is a very important decision for every bride-to-be. Skirt length is also an important element of wedding dress selection. Here are some mistakes made about the hem of the wedding dress:

Improper length: The length of the bridal skirt should match the style of the bridal gown and the wedding venue. A skirt that is too long may be impractical for outdoor weddings or in hot climates. Likewise, a skirt that is too short may not be appropriate at a more traditional wedding. The suitability of the skirt length should be determined by considering the wedding venue and style.

Mismatched hemline: Some bridesmaid dresses come with skirts cut at or below the waist. However, this cut may not be suitable for all body types. For example, for a short bride, such skirts can make the legs appear shorter. The appropriate hemline should match the bride's body type and height.

Lack of balance: The hemline should be balanced with the top of the wedding dress. For example, there may be an imbalance between a very oversized skirt and a plain top. Choosing an elegant top along with a glamorous skirt will balance the overall look of the wedding dress.

Wrong length measurement: When buying a wedding dress, you should make sure that you measure the hemline correctly. It is important to take the correct measurements, especially if you are custom sewing. The skirt length should be considered together with the shoes you will wear under the wedding dress and the measurements should be made accordingly.

Ignoring practicality: The wedding dress skirt should be designed in a way that makes it easy for you to move around during the wedding. A skirt that is too long or too puffy can make it difficult to dance or move freely around the wedding venue. Ignoring practicality can lead to problems on the wedding day.

To avoid these mistakes, it is important to get help from a professional wedding dress consultant on wedding dress selection and hemline.





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