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Customs After the Wedding

Customs After the Wedding

Customs made after the wedding differ from country to country and even from region to region. However, some customs that are generally performed after the wedding are as follows:

Bride's entry into the house: After the wedding, the bride goes to their house with her husband and the bride meets her husband's family.

Bedroom decoration: In some cultures, the bride and groom's bedroom is decorated by the bride's friends or family members.

Meals offered by the bride's mother: In some cultures, after the wedding, the bride is served special meals prepared by her mother.

Meeting the bride's mother-in-law: In some cultures, after the wedding, the bride meets her mother-in-law and is received by her mother-in-law.

Sharing of wedding photos and videos: After the wedding, the couple can share their wedding photos and videos with family and friends.

Thank you cards: In some cultures, the couple sends thank you cards to thank family and friends who attended the wedding.

Visiting the bride's home: In some cultures, after the wedding, the bride and her spouse make visits to the homes of relatives and friends.

These customs are just a few examples, and different customs can be made in different cultures and regions.




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