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Things To Do Before Engagement Night

Things To Do Before Engagement Night

While determining the date of the engagement ceremony, some couples plan the engagement ceremony one or several years before the wedding, while some couples may hold the engagement ceremony during the wedding week or a few days before the wedding. Requesting ceremony, promise, engagement ceremony, henna wedding ceremonies have been held one after the other recently. In the past, because there were arranged marriages, the engagement ceremony was held for the couples to get to know each other and for the families to get together. In fact, if you look at it, it was as important as a wedding ceremony. In recent years, it can also be celebrated among the family.

But it should not be forgotten that it is one of the most important ceremonies before the wedding. That's why it's also important to prepare for tonight. We will talk about the details you need to check before the engagement.

Make sure the rings are clean and shiny. Be sure to let your photographer know what kind of photos you want. You can choose to take photos in different concepts with a stylish outfit. In engagement ceremonies, you will be much more comfortable mentally than at the wedding. So enjoy. You don't need to drown in the picture.

Do not neglect the manicure and pedicure reputation. While wearing the rings, your hands will be in the foreground. If you are going to wear open shoes under your clothes, you do not want your feet to look neglected. Of course, do not neglect not only hand and foot care, but also skin care. Be sure to check the music that will play in the background at the engagement ceremony. In addition, if you need to make any cash payments, it is useful to have cash with you.




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