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Capricorn Wedding Dates

Capricorn Wedding Dates

Capricorn is the best example of willpower and patience. Their temperament appears clear and somewhat cold. He is strict with discipline. Since they want everything to work perfectly, they want the wedding ceremony preparations to be in line with the instructions they give. For Capricorns, the most perfect wedding dates would be September, April, and December. For the December wedding, they are especially likely to choose the day of December 21st.

Since they have an extremely serious personality, they prefer brown tones, beige and cream colors instead of shining colors. Even Capricorn bride candidates prefer a wedding dress in off-white tones instead of a milky white wedding dress. Looking at the colors, autumn weddings are more attractive for Capricorns.

Since Capricorns are constantly looking for balance, don't expect any crazy, crazy or crazy fun. They prefer more formal wedding ceremonies. It burns with simplicity. For this reason, the classic look dominates the wedding themes. Since they are balance signs, time periods when night and day are equal will also be a good choice for Capricorn wedding dates.





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