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Why is a wedding dress tied?

Why is a wedding dress tied?

There is no definitive story or source regarding the origin of the tradition of tying the wedding dress. However, some cultures have various stories and beliefs about this tradition. Here are some examples:

Roman Empire Period: According to some sources, the tradition of tying knots on wedding dresses dates back to the Roman Empire period. Roman brides believed that by tying knots in their wedding dresses, they would ward off evil spirits and bad luck. These knots also symbolized the bride's fidelity throughout the marriage.

Greek Mythology: Greek mythology also has a story of tying a knot in a wedding dress. Accordingly, it is believed that the goddess Hera (the wife of Zeus) tied knots on wedding dresses to symbolize fidelity in marriages. For this reason, brides would try to win Hera's loyalty by tying knots on their wedding dresses.

Celtic Tradition: In some Celtic traditions, the ritual of tying a knot in the wedding dress is performed. In this ritual, the knots hold the bad energies on the bride and represent happiness, fertility and luck throughout the marriage.

These stories and beliefs offer some explanation for the reasons and symbolism of tying the wedding dress. But the origins and stories of this tradition can vary across cultures and regions. Different societies can have different narratives and stories.



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