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Ridiculous Wedding Customs

Ridiculous Wedding Customs

Wedding customs can vary in different cultures and societies, and customs that can sometimes seem silly, quirky, or bizarre can emerge. Here are some examples:

Shoe Stealing: This custom can be seen in some countries. At some point in the wedding, the groom's or bride's shoes are usually stolen. A ransom is then demanded to return the stolen shoes to the bride or groom. It's kind of a joke or a fun custom.

Carrying on the Back: In some cultures, the bride rides on the groom's back with her wedding dress at the end of the wedding, and the groom is expected to carry it. This custom can carry symbolic meanings such as carrying the bride "on the way to marriage" or protecting the wedding dress.

Bride Hiding: This custom may take place on the wedding night in some areas. The bride is abducted or secretly hidden by the escorts on the wedding night. The groom may need to follow clues to find the bride. This custom is often humorous and adds fun to the wedding night.

Wedding Dress Cutting: This custom may be part of the wedding in some cultures. At the end of the wedding, a part of the wedding dress is cut or torn. This symbolizes the end of the celibacy, which represents the wedding dress. However, this custom can be criticized by some people as it is thought to damage the wedding dress.

Applying the Wedding Cake to the Faces: This custom involves applying the wedding cake to the bride and groom's faces. While this is often thought of as a fun moment, it may not be hygienic for some people.

These are just examples of some interesting and ridiculous wedding customs. However, the important thing is not to forget that wedding customs gain meaning in the cultural context and aim to provide pleasant memories and entertainment to people.




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