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new wedding traditions

new wedding traditions

Weddings are held with certain traditions since ancient times. But in recent years, newly married couples have been on the agenda with more unusual organizations. Going out of tradition continues with many young couples adapting to the new wedding trend.

Especially cakes and sugary products have always been the favorite of celebrations. In recent years, smaller cakes have been offered to guests instead of huge traditional wedding cakes.

Of course, wedding dances have also changed. Instead of a traditional dance, a slow wedding dance gave its place to different types of dance such as tango and salsa. Couples also take private dance lessons for this purpose.

Throwing bouquets gradually becomes a thing of the past. While the bridal bouquet was given to a member of the family or a very close dota, with some small notes, it became fashionable for couples to toast to their close friends.

The style of the rings has also changed. Although diamond is still in demand, alternative stones such as emerald, ruby, etc. are preferred instead.

With a wedding dress, it ceases to be pure white. While wedding dresses in beige tones have been preferred a lot in recent years, wedding dresses in different colors are also in demand.





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