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Mistakes Made When Choosing Bridal Shoes

Mistakes Made When Choosing Bridal Shoes


Although the choice of bridal shoes is important, unfortunately, some mistakes are made by succumbing to the external appearance.


Here are common mistakes made when choosing bridal shoes:


Neglecting comfort: Bridal shoes, especially high heels, can cause foot pain when worn for long periods of time. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the comfort of the shoes. Try on the shoes and stand and walk for a long time, feel if your foot is comfortable.


Not matching the shoes to the wedding style: The wedding dress and shoes should be compatible with the wedding style. Before choosing your shoes, consider the style of the wedding dress you will wear and the theme of the wedding.


keep that in mind. Ignoring the height of the shoe: The height of the shoe can affect the length of the wedding dress. When you wear the shoes, the length of the wedding dress is matched with the height of the shoes.


Check if it is compatible. Not choosing the color of the shoes in harmony: The color of the shoes,


It should match the color of the wedding dress. If you are wearing a white or cream wedding dress, choosing white or cream colored shoes would be the most appropriate option. Buying a shoe without trying it on: Buying a shoe without trying it on can make it difficult for you to understand whether the shoe is suitable or not. Be sure to try on the shoes and check if they fit your feet. Last minute shopping: Bridal shoes selection should not be made at the last minute. Allow enough time to choose shoes and try different options by visiting different stores.


Not preferring flat-soled shoes: Brides who do not want to wear high-heeled shoes may prefer flat-soled shoes. However, flat shoes can cause pain in the ankle and knee area. Therefore, when choosing flat-soled shoes, it will be more appropriate to choose models that provide foot support.


Remember that a bridal shoe doesn't necessarily have to be heeled.




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