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Wedding dates for Taurus

Wedding dates for Taurus

Ruled by Venus, Taurus prefers aesthetically appealing environments. Being ruled by Venus, the first sign that comes to mind when it comes to love, passion, romance and marriage is Taurus. Taurus loves stability. For this reason, long-lasting and realistic marriages are generally seen in Taurus signs. Taurus marriages are reliable, faithful to their promises. But it should not be forgotten that it is necessary to keep the marriage alive. You will also need diffs for this. Even if these differences are not there, it does not pose any risk for the bulls, who have a reputation for stability.

Details are important for Taurus signs. For Taurus, May and June would be suitable times for the wedding date. Taurus signs planning a wedding in the autumn season may prefer November.

Of course, you can determine a common day in line with your partner's birth chart.

Since each sign has a different personality and approach to events, this energy will likely influence the decision-making process of the entire wedding event. Taurus loves exaggeration, luxury and ostentation. It is possible to feel this effect in every preparation of the ceremony, including the wedding date.




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