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How to do wedding makeup?

How to do wedding makeup


For wedding make-up, you must have completed the preparation of your skin for this make-up. To prepare your skin, it is necessary not to neglect routine care at least a few months before.

You can have the make-up trial done before the wedding. Thus, you will not encounter any surprises in the make-up on the wedding day. Wedding make-up will also make it easier for you to decide on which colors and what style of make-up when you make a few tries.

Every bride-to-be wants to focus on her wedding day. But there is no need to exaggerate this too much.


Do not forget to decide with the make-up artist whether the expression should be on the eyes or on the lips. For example, having a dark eyeshadow and dark lipstick will add too much exaggeration to the image. It would be helpful to get the make-up artist's opinion on this matter.

Because bridal makeup is not just a situation that highlights the face. It is also important in terms of adapting to the wedding dress concept.

Consider the hues that bring out your face in the best way and complement the whole concept.

Although make-up artists are professionals, if you have a point of view, you must express your ideas clearly if you want.




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